Creating stop-in-your-tracks content.

The City of Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development - Communications + Outreach

Clark Street in Uptown is at an exciting crossroads. The corridor anchors and connects iconic Chicago neighborhoods. It is filled with a mix of uses, mobility options, parks and historic cemeteries, and a diverse population of residents and business owners. But it is also in need of a strategic vision for its future and its own unique identity. All Together is working hand-in-hand with the community to develop a unified vision that guides future investment and public realm improvements along the corridor. Using a dynamic and engaging project brand, we’re tapping into existing communication channels throughout the corridor to ensure more people know about the project and get involved. We’ve gathered over 7,100 project website unique views, 1,800 survey responses, 1,200 community contacts, 500 workshop attendees, and 175 pins on the interactive corridor map.